Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 5.3

The end of this week was the busiest part of the whole week. Just today I think I had five or six photo-shoots. I’m so grateful that each photo-shoot was a success. The images above are the base models for the fire, water, earth, metal, and light elements. For the fire element, I wanted a guy who was very energetic and bright, one always full of joy. For water, I wanted my model to imitate or mirror the pose my female model had. For both earth elementals, I decided to take an alternate approach to it. I didn’t go through the obvious route of having muscular brutes as my model, but people that would represent honorable warriors or tribesmen. My metal model initially was supposed to portray a classy cold figure, but in the end I decided to make appear cold and calculating, while still remaining a bit classy. For the light element I am planning to use only one model. She will be, along with darkness, an element that isn’t paired up with an exact copy. The reason for this is that I want to pair up the light and dark elements since they are very similar, but very different at the same time. For my light elemental, I wanted her to be very innocent and very cute, which will greatly contrast the dark elemental. Over the break I will probably take photos corresponding with light, darkness, and metal, I would also like to get more fire pictures and some extra water shots, as well.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 5.2

After many weeks, I have finally finished the male version of nature. For this merge I used two images of bamboo that were very similar in composition, so any differences within the picture are not seen. I also worked on an alternate of the female version, so I could make a diptych of both genders. For spring break, I plan to take more pictures of more elements, especially fire and air, since I don’t have many pictures of those elements.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 5.1

I wanted to post a few more updates this than usual. After finishing most of the female versions of the elements, I finally began on the male version of nature. My main goal for my photo-shoot with him was to get him to express the idea of a forest nymph or a pixie through his modeling. I plan to his pictures around to get him to face my female model. I want to do this because I intend to make pairs out of each element, and I might add a third person to each element to get more pictures in the end. I took a trip to the zoo on Sunday, and I took a lot of pictures of the animals as well as some greenery around, like the bamboo. The reason I have the eagle, lion, and parrot is because I might want to merge them with my model along with another picture. The background of each element has a lot of nature around them, and I think it would add a nice touch to have an animal appear in the merge. I feel this could work since the element of nature does include animals. In other elements I might include other animals associated with that element as well.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 4.1

I decided to do another quick update for my air portrait merge. I recently worked on the female version of the air element. I had a fan blowing on my model to give a blown air effect. I wanted my model to portray an empty tone that the air element has, kind of like neutrality. In my final image (The first one) I left a voided area near her heart to portray the emotion I just mentioned.

Week 4


This week, I have finally begun to touch on the element I haven’t paid much attention to: air. I was also finally able to take pictures of actual fire, so I could use for my male version of fire. I think I want to do diptychs of the elements but have both genders of each element on each diptych.  I also want to add another element into the bunch, metal. For metal I want to use the same model, but make them cross dress to change their gender.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 3

For this week, I wanted to post some of my near final images. I fixed the nature merge from last week and made it appear more fairy-like. For my fire picture I wanted to portray it as a child, showing how it can be destructive if not handled well.  For the water merge, I wanted to portray a sense of serenity and a soothing feel and tone. The other pictures I plan to use as backgrounds for the male versions of water and fire, and the female and male versions of earth. For the next week I plan to start working on the male versions of the elements and expand onto different elements like air and light. I also started to think I could also do a photo story of each element to make the “reality” concept more solid.